www.nationstates.net/nation=stars_and-or_stripes ^_^
>elections are purely voluntary.
>spiritual advisor: I'll go with the Catholic.
>Neo-Nazis have the right to free speech and can have their lil demonstrations if they want.
>workers can be fired without reason by their employers. As it should be.
>"bans surveillance cameras" (Intended just governmental use >_>)
>Does not give any government aid/quotas for minorities in TV. That would be racist.
>Allows capitalist pig hunting. More money off pig sales will help the economy.
>goodbye minimum wage. No more of this socialist policy.
>No gambling. That's what the stock market is for.
>No decision on the Harry Potter issue. I didn't want to give a win to those teachers unions, especially after they expressed anti-Christian sentiment.
>No death penalty, on religious grounds.
>More cops.
>Corporations can donate directly to political campaigns, as it should be.
>Divorce is now illegal.
>Budget going primarily for cops and military.
>uranium mining >>>>>> silly rainforest.
>No organs will be stolen from their rightful owners.
>No nudists running around
>People can sell their organs. I supported it because the opponent argued based on how the poor would be hurt. Clearly they don't know me.
>Free speech dagnabbit. But they shouldn't swear, is not nice
>More cops to crush vandals.
>kill off capitalist pig population
>no drugs in the soda
>crush bicyclist protesters
>punish lawbreaking kids
>no titles of nobility
>dismiss homeowner defense issue
>dismiss foreign language teaching in schools issue. Government shouldn't be involved in those educational decisions.
>Discipline children: allowed.
>Privatize beaches.
>Dismiss public broadcasting issue. I won't vote for it and the only option against is some anti-business nutjob that will only let me outlaw both public & private advertisements.
>protects some dude's right to hate speech.
>dismiss spon plague vaccine issue. No option for 0 government spending for medical stuff.
>illegal immigrants are welcome. These people are the political refugees from wars and oppression they've suffered under "neighboring nations" most likely Shaoyuan. I will show them which is the real compassionate nation state.
>No arranged marriages.
>Overcrowded prisons? Expand them. But not by raising taxes...by diverting funds from what's left of my nation's welfare program.
>Gay ban in the military.
>dismiss telemarketer issue: I'm not outlawing it, and I'm not giving them funds.
>South Stars and-or stripes wants its own councils for greater representation. This will cost money. Better to just shrink the size of the national government and get rid of some more political positions.
>ban "violent and salacious" material from TV
>ban cannibalism.
>Pray & repent during a drought
>Minorities protest outside a school complaining that while they suck so bad they can't get in, they should be let in over others. I crush their protests and will continue to do so.
>No ban on violent videogames.
>Outlaw gay adoption.
>One of my dudes gets caught in a foreign country for drug smuggling, the penalty there is death. I let them keep the prisoner.
>No decision on minimum wage strike. No option to crush it and outlaw a minimum wage. It was either communist policies, or slavery.
>Hijackings on the roads? Let the private sector handle the problem. Armored cars armed with machine guns for purchase by the average citizen
>No monitoring the internets
>ban on designer babies
>outlaws frivolous medical malpractice suits
>0 inheritance tax. You keep your death tax out of my country you brood of vipers.
>abstinence and chastity campaign to confront evil influences.
>drill baby drill in national parks, anywhere really
>no ban on plastic bags, AND drop some environmental regulations. ^_^
>abolish antitrust laws.
>privatize mail service
>dismiss beauty pageant issue, who the f cares
>"Marriage is one man, one woman, and death do we part. What's so hard to get? Anything else is a perversion, and must be banned."
>Dismiss rapist issue. Terrible options. Castration/extensive rehabilitation program/forced labor...none of the above.
>no phone taps. The premise sounded good-hit suspected criminals-but he wanted full-blown random searches and FUNDING for it. So nop.
>fur coats are perfectly legal.
>dismiss politician pay issue due to terrible options.
>Ignore commie protestors. I decided not to crush the protest with police force because I don't want higher taxes. If given the option I'd let volunteers or some community group like the Tails82 Youth do it for me though.
>Freedom of speech for anti-religious people. Dagnabbit and she was so smarmy but I had to agree.
>Humanitarian aid for other countries, as long as they open their markets for my nation's goods.
>No euthanasia, ever. Religious option available ^_^
>Dismiss mall-ancient ruins issue. As a history guy it'd be neat to preserve but it costs money. Let the private interests fight for it among themselves.
>all welfare programs abolished.
>abstinence to counter stds. No expensive drugs offered by the government for the infected.
>dismiss any referendums/direct democracy demands.
>laxer environmental laws to dump toxic waste in places like rivers, deep ocean ravines.
>no breastfeeding in public.
>Even if I have to raise taxes, I must go to war with terrorists. The government's main job is security and any terrorists threatening our freedoms must be stopped by any means necessary.
>whiny students protest tuition, want more government money to pay for their college, alcohol, etc. 3094313 them, I let tuitions rise.
>I don't care about wage differences between genders, let businesses do what they want.
>appointed religious social conservative to the supreme court
>dismiss opposition radio stations, I support free speech but I'd rather the government just ignore the stations over the options given.
>not hosting the olympics if it costs me money, I'm not wasting taxpayer money on silly sports.
>The children's public education sucks. Not wanting to throw more money at the terrible system, I could've chosen either to dismiss the issue but keep the failing system around, expand religious private school vouchers but increase expenses, or get rid of mandatory education, an appealing option that would save me money. It was a tough decision but I decided on allowing religious vouchers, because I should not be putting money issues ahead of religious values.
>Poets wanted funding. I respond with a nop and "abolish all government subsidies for special interest groups."
>dismiss road congestion issue. Not putting up a toll, or paying to expand roads.
>outlaw prostitution and allow std awareness program.
>Health care: No additional government money. I cut funding & give a tax break.
>dismiss immigrant issue. I agreed that they should be made to adopt our culture, but without government involvement & wasted money. The community/businesses can do better at assimilation than any bureaucracy.
>war between foreign coutries is spilling over into conflict in mine. Time to send troops to end this war. Sure I sided with a fascist...but that doesn't mean much, right? Right?...
>public fire departments suck. Should I throw more money at them? 3094313 no. The fire service just got privatized.
>Bondage people were protesting for their fetish thingies so I criminalized stuff. A task force was sent to crush their group. It'll cost monies but it keeps the immoral perverts off the streets. And in the end that's what the government's for: security.
>People wanted me to ban fast food. Screw them, they're silly.
>Violent protestors wanted universal health care. This nation will not be intimidated by threats. It's not the government's job to give out health care.
>dismiss skateboarding issue. Not going to approve or disapprove of it.
>dismiss animal testing issue. With 2 options (ban testing, or increase government funding for it) I'll just do neither.
>I increased defense spending because the government's duty is security.
>People complain that public roads suck. Okay. Privatized transportation time.
>open borders to refugees.
>anti-meat protestors stopped.
>NO BAILOUTS. Cut welfare & taxes instead, and let the fail businesses fail.
>state prisons are expensive and burdensome? Time to privatize.
>cut funding for depression treatment. No antidepression program. Not the nation's business.
>Army, Navy and Air Force wanted increased funding. Decided to send funds the Army's way, it seemed to be in the worst condition.
>environmental activists are being jerks again, so I have to increase police funding to ensure the security of new building projects.
>dismiss illegal filesharing issue. It's meh, for the courts to decide.
>Dismiss desertification issue. Not the government's business to pass environment junk, or subsidize farmers.
>Outlaw the cloning of human embryos. It's unethical and it is murder to use them in experiments.
>Dismiss drinking water fluoridation issue. I don't particularly care for involvement in the health area.
>somebody shot some folks and people wanted me to either ban guns or violence on TV. Nop. I dismiss.
>some guy found gold at the bottom of a lake. I will not let the government seize it for their own purposes. The guy is free to take the wealth he found.
>old folks want higher pensions, pff no. This isn't a nation of sleazeball redistributionist wussies.
>outlaw ALL abortions, even in the case of rape or incest. Abortion is immoral in all cases and the government should not support these murder tactics.
>People want dueling. That's silly. I dismiss the issue.
>power plant fails. Should I support wind/solar, coal, or nuclear power? I would've said coal being the cheapest but the option added some silly health funding to make up for pollution dangers. Pff. I shouldn't be advocating a particular energy anyway. Dismiss.
>dismiss 2-party system complainers. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. One side good, one side bad, what more do you want? But if people want a 3rd party they should have the option open so no government statement supporting a particular set of rules. They can decide to chance it if they really care so much. If not, fine as is.
>cigarette ban? This is a tough one. On one hand, cigarettes are disgusting addictive products. On the other hand do I want government involved in this type of health decision? I was originally going to dismiss and let the more local levels decide for themselves but the more I think about it they should be banned. Methinks my squeamishness to support a ban comes from the fact that I'm used to it being legal. I wouldn't have a problem outlawing other drugs including alcohol & that's getting involved for health reasons too (secondarily...moral considerations come first). Plus if I say yes to cigarettes that is also a health decision-a harmful one. If cigarettes are allowed the government is supporting the use of these harmful substances and, more importantly, contributing to the spread of hedonistic tendencies that undermine the pursuit of a moral society.
>I kept child labor legal.
>dismiss animal research issue. No ban but no increased funding for it either. Both options sucked.
>illegal to clone dead species.
>some cult wants to sacrifice people. All options suck so I dismiss their silly arguments.
>abolishes antitrust laws.
>some hippies were whining about food additives. This nation stood firm with the businessmen and allows pesticides, etc. to be used.
>dismiss speed limit issue. I don't care.
>some dummies wanted a "none of the above" option on election ballots. In response election rules for candidates are stricter now; runoff elections are dumb. The best system has only 2 parties anyway...
>dismiss assassination attempt issue. Not going to bump up security and for one of the options I'd like to give a tax cut, but if that's how it's perceived I react to every assassination attempt I'm a weak person and setting myself up for future attacks and concessions. The best thing to do would be walk it off, not let it faze me, ignore it.
>dismiss spon plague issue again...
>jerks want religious groups to pay income tax. In my nation, where we have no income tax, that'd amount to discrimination. So no income tax. People have the freedom of religion.
>airplanes have been bombed. Bad stuff. Businesses have the right to secure their passengers and employ armed guards to stop terrorists.
>repeat of free speech issue. Dismiss this time. Already support and don't need to again.
>report says stars and or stripes education system relatively lower than other countries. I don't care not government's problem, dismiss.
>traffic jams, so time to build more lanes...
>some want casinos to be legal and the legitimate businessmen are making vague threats to public officials. Like I'd side with organized crime. Time to crack down on them.
>another repeat issue, privatized fire dept. etc etc
>people complain about filibuster. I allow it to stay.
>No to making a government list of names. Parents can name their kids what they want.
>DNA sampling can only be done with informed consent.
>government's not going to blow other people's money by giving it to the homeless, who will in turn just blow it on drugs or booze anyway. Get a job, lazy bums. I despise safety nets.
>gypsies got on some farmer's land and are being silly. The farmer can do what he has to do to get them off his property.
>dismiss inquisition issue. Not gonna do one of those.
>car hijackings up, so a special police force is introduced to deal with them.
>Minorities want the government to make everything written in 2 languages but that's silly and takes up more space/money. So no.
>dismiss environmentalist group issue. They want endangered species protected. Meh, not something for government to get into. Neither would I side with dudes calling for extinction. Ahh, the sound of government doing nothing~
>I'm gonna jail adulterers and see how that works out.
>Some sillies said there was a UFO and we need to invest money in telescopes. Nop.
>More sillies want drugs decriminalized. Nop. War on drugs is given more funding.
>Durn pirates! Increase military spending to stop them.
>Dismiss curfew issue. Both options were silly. People will get jailed already for crimes as is, and curfews are bad government.
*Is not posting repeat issues from this month on*
>Mine collapse. Not gonna add any silly safety standards.
>Some newspaper has been misleading/made false stories and some say restrict free speech to stop it. Nop...
>Got the change to build a capital city but declined. I liked the guy who said keep the public officials in the same building they have now. And if it's too small, get rid of some officials.
>Prohibition of alcohol enacted.
>"A coalition of expectant mothers (Mothers 4 Justice)"...Your name sucks and I already hate you. Screw your maternity leave demands.
>foreigners have invaded one of our colonies! I send troops and bulk up the military.
>A tough decision: one of the higher ups was having an affair. Options were to ban tabloids, remove him from office and jail him, or pass a tax cut as a distraction. Option 3 would be nice but not the right way to deal with this. Tabloids are silly but given that the incident is real and I previously made flagrant adultery illegal, politicians need to be held to high standards. None of them should be above the law. My only issue was that he'd be jailed, but he definitely needed booting from office.
>struck down calls for affirmative action, felt so good~
>ban on violent sports after a guy specified some land in his will for a gladiator ring >_>
>whiners want alcohol ban lifted, but no. Instead increase police force to deal with smugglers and such.
>whiners say water is scarce. Nuts to environmentalists, no restrictions.
>dismiss term limits issue for legislature. If people want them out, vote them out.
>corporal punishment is allowed, parents. Your kids, your decision.
>Pff at funding for a baseball stadium. Not the government's job.
>streaker at some sports game. Dismiss because who cares, and the options sucked.
>Greenpeace protests government plans to build some dams. They're crazy idiots and they're protesting for the wrong reasons. I'm not approving of the project either because it's a waste of money. Both options suck. So screw Greenpeace, and screw expensive government programs. Issue dismissed.
>People can flag burn if they want.
>slimeball protesters killed a cop. Restrictions placed on protests (placed in a designated area).
>dismiss drag racing issue. No to support and no to more cops just to crack down on idiots.
>People are dumping cheese on politicians because they are jerks. Dismissing the issue because all options suck. They'll just get arrested anyway, then it's the judiciary's job.
>Some idiots want to ban mobile phones because of brain cancer or some dumb panic. I side with freedom. Keep selling your phones, businesses. This country is not a socialist nanny state.
>Migrants and expats want transport out of a war-torn nation. Dismissing the issue because of bad options. They can find a way out that doesn't involve mass spending.
>Food prices rising. Farm land overworked irresponsibly. Dismissing the issue again because of bad options. All of them wanted funding. I'm not putting down environmental rules, not giving money for science and not giving subsidies to farmers. If the farmers were idiots with land management then they deserve to fail.
>Private funding for shuttle program.
>Crime a problem? More police.
>workers are getting replaced by robots. Too bad, so sad. Don't expect government to step in. Not our jobs.
>Diverted funds from environment junk to pay for space defense program.
>Did not pass a law that tried to force everyone to get a gun. Instead, allowed concealed carry so people can choose to get em and keep things more safe ^_^
>landfills were growing. Dismiss issue, let free market handle it.
>Dumb gun incident occurs and people want government to do junk like ban guns and violent video games. Dismiss because I'm not changing the laws based on some silly passing event.
>repeat issue but different decision this time. People in 2 nations are fighting and now the 2 races are fighting in my nation. What to do? Last time I agreed with a fascist that we should "make it our war" which sounds great because I thought he meant get involved in foreign stuff. Except he meant domestically. This time I'm dismissing the issue because law enforcement will just deal with the fights here. Tragically there is no neocon option to join in the war and stop ethnic violence. Chalk it up to government incompetence.
>Dummies were protesting the cops. While it was tempting to let the police break it up, they wanted more funding. Over something like this? Silly both of them. Issue gets dismissed.
>Stars and/or Stripes reminds its citizens that it couldn't care less about some computer virus they have, and it's not the government's job to fix something that resulted from their stupidity.
>Yay I got to step down as leader and distribute power among the elected legislature! ^_^
>crowded cities. Hmm, I could waste money building condos, outlaw some factories, or bring in eugenics. Sucky decisions = dismiss not government's job let free market handle it
>scientists want billions for particle collider. No.
>People elected a dog and I could either tighten the nomination process or ban fruit like the village idiot wanted. Dismiss because speciesists don't understand that Umbreon would make a great representative.
>An ultranationalist party is set to win elections. Some democracy haters want me to shut down the voice of the people. I stand by the free elections, leftist jerks...
>people wanted funding for baseball stadiums. No.
>some people were in debt and the options were terrible: give them handouts, or put em in debtor's prison. Dismiss dumb issue.
>guy who wants the death penalty is likely to win an election. Options suck, either I support him or I ban him from office. Dismiss issue.
>Dismiss graveyard overcrowding issue, not government's problem.
>People protest job outsourcing overseas, I respond by lifting regulations like minimum wage so businesses stay.
June-Dec 2011:
>2 choices, to cut police or have police arrest the people calling for cuts. Dismiss
>space defenses/orbital weapons platform funding. Diverted funds meant for the environment to pay for it.
>Considered raising taxes on atheists, but...high taxes are something I can't wish on anyone. So I just dismissed the issue.
>neighboring country experiences a coup. I will send in troops.
>rejected funding for a concert hall. These things need to fail if they can't get by on their own.
>I don't care about the options for tourism, I'm not banning it nor am I funding it.
>dismiss case against a nude art exhibit because that's a hard place to draw the line. Paintings aren't pictures, and I'm not going to ban all art as one option would do.
>dismiss possible regs in the face of a hindenburg-style crash, the airships are plenty safe and it was only an accident from a storm. Anti-business nuts need to go home.
>Transgender athletes can just gtfo of competitions if they're too stupid to figure out what gender they are.
>Abolish regulations on internet providers to drive down the cost and encourage competition.
>dismiss automobile issue: regulations, subsidies and bicycle-pleasing options are not acceptable.
>private sponsorship for sports, sillies. Ain't none of our money going your way.
>Dismiss fire relief issue.
>Dismiss pizza delivery speeders issue.
>Health nuts protest over pizza. Side with the pizza chain.
>ferry traffic increases. I let the private sector do its thing.
>not converting to metric. Metric's dumb.
>Survey finds kids don't like clowns, government wants me to act. Dismiss silly issue.
>People want me to do something about slums. I say no welfare, no "paint the slums" initiative, dismiss.
>people want me to spend money trying to get more tourists. I cut taxes and end environmental laws instead.
>bar criminals from voting